We did not visit this location as part of this planned review. As only consultations and day case procedures take place on the premises, we would only have been able to speak to a very small proportion of people using the service, if any, at a site visit. Instead, we asked the provider to send us some of the feedback they have obtained from people using the service through their internal monitoring processes. The provider sent us the results of their patient surveys from the past four months. People are given the opportunity to complete these surveys at various points in their treatment journey and the provider collates and analyses the results monthly.
The survey asks people to rate their level of satisfaction with various aspects of their experience. This includes their views about the clinic environment, the staff providing their care, their overall experience of each stage of the treatment process and the outcome of their treatment.
The feedback from people who completed the patient survey between September and December 2010 was very positive overall across all the areas covered by the survey. In December 2010 the average percentage of people satisfied with all aspects of their care and treatment was 94%.
People also include free text comments in their response to the patient survey. Some example comments people made in December 2010 are:
' Excellent service throughout my treatment from start to finish.
' From the moment I walked in I felt that I was looked after. The service was friendly and felt personal, at no point did I feel like I couldn't ask questions.
' Excellent facilities, very friendly and knowledgeable staff. Felt I received a personalised service.
' Nothing was bad except the discomfort after the treatment which I was prepared for.
' No real complaints, everything went off quite well.