We carried out this review to check on the care and welfare of people using this service. We did not review every outcome for this provider. We were proportionate in our approach and focused on outcomes four and 16. People living at Lodge Lane were not able to verbally share their experiences of what it was like living at the home due to their complex needs. We spent time observing staff interaction and talking with the staff on duty about how they met the needs of the people they supported. Staff demonstrated a clear understanding of people's needs and they engaged with people in a positive manner. People appeared relaxed and happy in the company of the staff and other people they lived with. Everyone had been out into the community prior to our visit to attend a leisure centre or were taken shopping in Shrewsbury.
We spoke with four staff in addition to the manager. They told us they had received training to keep people safe. One person felt they would benefit from training in autism and behaviours that challenged so they were better equipped to meet the individual needs of the people in their care. Staff told us they received regular meetings to discuss their work practice, performance and identify any training needs.
Staff said there had been problems with staff sickness which had impacted on staff morale and the activities people had been able to do out in the community.
Staff considered that the support plans were reflective of people's needs and regularly updated to reflect changes in people's care and support needs. They told us that people received input from relevant health and social care professionals and were confident they were able to meet the individual needs of the people they supported.
We spoke with four professionals who had undertaken a variety of assessments on individuals and offered advice or training to the staff team. They told us they were always made welcome when they visited the home. They said some staff had taken on board their recommendations although there had been occasions when they have had to reiterate suggestions in the best interests of the individuals living at Lodge Lane. One person said, 'Staff work with the best intentions of people although at times it's hit and miss. Some times they take on board suggestions, other times they struggle. Some staff appear to have lost motivation'. Another person felt there needed to be more flexibility on staff behalf and the need for staff to be more motivated in their work and think 'outside of the box'.