Little Acorns provides accommodation and support for up to 20 older people living with a dementia type illness. Some people are independent and require little assistance, while others require assistance with personal care, daily living and moving around the home. There were 18 people living at the home during the inspection. The home is a converted older building, with bedrooms on three floors, a chair lift enables people to access all parts of the home and people used the secure garden to the rear of the building. The registered manager is also the owner/provider.
The registered manager was present during the inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
This inspection took place on the 13 and 14 October 2016. It was unannounced and carried out by one inspector.
At the last inspection on 7 and 8 April 2015 we found the provider had not met the legal requirements with regard to medicines, nutrition and hydration, records and notifications. We found at this inspection that these legal requirements were met. The legal requirements with regard to the provision of an effective quality assurance system had been partially met and had not yet been embedded into practice.
Risk had been assessed and guidance had been included in the care plans for staff to follow, including supporting people to move around the home safely. However, staff did not consistently follow moving and handling guidelines when supporting people using walking aids.
A quality assurance system had been introduced and had identified areas where improvements were needed, including record keeping, care plans and risk assessments. Work had commenced to review and update these with the involvement of people and their relatives and, audits about aspects of the services provided had been developed.
There were systems in place to manage medicines. Staff were trained in the safe administration of medicines. Staff followed relevant policies; they administered medicines safely and completed the administration records appropriately.
People told us the food was very good. Staff asked people what they wanted to eat, choices were available for each meal, and people enjoyed the food provided. Meals were a relaxed and sociable time for people and records were kept of how much people ate to ensure they had sufficient food and drinks.
A safeguarding policy was in place and staff had attended safeguarding training. They had an understanding of recognising risks of abuse to people and how to raise concerns if they had any.
There were enough staff working in the home to meet people’s needs, and recruitment procedures were in place to ensure only suitable people worked at the home. Staff said they were supported to deliver safe and effective care, and demonstrated they knew people well and felt they enabled people to maintain their independence.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is required by law to monitor the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to care homes. The registered manager and staff had an understanding of their responsibilities and processes of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
People had access to health professionals as and when they required it. The visits were recorded in the care plans with details of any changes to support provided as guidance for staff to follow when planning care.
A complaints procedure was in place. This was displayed on the notice board near the entrance to the building, and given to people, and relatives, when they moved into the home. People said they did not have anything to complain about, and relatives said they were aware of the procedures and who to complain to, but had not needed to use them.
Care and support was personalised to meet each person’s individual needs. Care plans had been reviewed regularly; with the involvement of people living in the home and/or their relatives if appropriate, these reflected people’s needs and included guidance for staff to follow to meet them. People told us they decided what they wanted to do, some joined in activities while others chose to sit quietly in their room or communal areas.
People, relatives and staff said they management were very approachable, and they all felt involved in decisions about how the service developed with on going discussion through daily conversations and staff meetings.