Our current view of the service
16 February 2024
Date of assessment 6 June 2024 to 18 July 2024
We assessed the service due to concerns we had received relating to reports of staff not accessing medical treatment for people in a timely manner. Additionally, we received intelligence to suggest the service was not providing person-centred care. Therefore, we assessed 7 quality statements which reflected the concerns we had received. During our assessment, we received additional feedback from relatives about the service not responding appropriately to medical concerns; however, we did not find any additional evidence to support this. We found people’s risks were assessed and managed appropriately and found staff had completed a wide variety of training courses. People were supported by staff who were kind and caring. Social activities took place for people in the service, and these happened regularly and were varied. The manager had systems and processes in place to ensure the service ran safely and effectively. However, the service did not always promote person-centred care, and we found staff were not always mindful of people’s communication needs.
People's experience of the service
16 February 2024
People and their relatives told us people felt safe living at the service, and people’s individual risks were managed effectively. People and their relatives felt there were enough staff. People described staff as kind, caring and professional. Relatives told us people had equipment in place and staff supported people to be independent. People and relatives told us about the activities that took place within the service. One person told us: “We grow scented herbs in the garden, and we have a singer that comes.” We saw there were opportunities for people to give feedback in resident meetings and saw changes had been made through such feedback. We were told that other people who chose not to attend the resident meetings, had the opportunity to provide feedback during a ‘Resident of the day’ process. However, this process did not always appear to be effective in relation to changes being made, as we found one person had been unhappy about aspects of their care for some time. Additionally, some relatives told us the service did not always seek medical treatment for people in a timely and compassionate manner.