8 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We spoke to people who used the service and observed people interacting with staff during our visit. People told us they enjoyed living at the home and that staff supported them. People told us, "the staff are good", and, 'if I want help, I ask, and I always get it.' Staff engaged with people in a friendly and respectful way, offered choices and supported people to participate in activities.
Care plans and risk assessments were person centred and reviewed regularly. We saw evidence that other professionals had contributed to these.
The service had a detailed safeguarding policy in place, and we saw that staff received annual safeguarding training. Staff members were able to describe different examples of abuse and knew what to do if they had a concern. The service environment was clean, well maintained, and suitable for the needs of the people who used it. People were supported to personalise their own spaces.
Staff received appropriate professional development. Staff received a range of mandatory and other training. Regular supervisions, appraisals and team meetings took place.
The provider had effective quality assurance procedures that were used to inform service improvements.