30 October 2017
During a routine inspection
At the last inspection, the service was rated Good. At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
Why the service is rated Good
People continued to receive a service that was safe. The provider followed safe recruitment procedures before new staff began working with people. There was a low staff turnover, and people received a consistent service from staff they knew well. New staff were always introduced to them before they began visiting regularly. People told us the service was reliable. A relative told us staff were always, “Very much on time, within five minutes. She always stays the right amount of time. If there is anything extra we want she will stay on and do it.”
People were protected from harm or abuse because staff had received training on safeguarding adults and were confident they could recognise any signs of abuse and knew how to report it. Risks to people’s health and safety had been assessed, and measures put in place to minimise any risks where possible. Where people required assistance with their medicines, staff were well trained and followed safe procedures. People told us staff followed good hygiene and infection control procedures and used protective equipment where needed.
People continued to receive care from staff who had the skills and knowledge required to effectively support them. Staff were well trained, received regular supervision and were well supported. Staff understood the importance of respecting people’s rights, offering choice and promoting independence.
People continued to receive care from staff who were caring. A relative told us, “They have been fantastic. We are more than happy.” People received visits from small teams of staff, who visited the same time and the same day each week. The staff had built strong relationships with people. We observed staff being kind, patient and caring. A person told us, “She’s (staff) very, very good. Very caring. I wouldn’t be without them.”
The service remained responsive to people's individual needs and provided personalised care and support. Before the service began, people’s needs were assessed with them and a care plan was drawn up and agreed setting out each task they needed support with. Staff were given information on people’s health and personal care needs. People knew how to raise a concern or complaint and told us they were confident any concerns or problems would be taken seriously and addressed immediately.
The service continued to be well led. People, staff and relatives told us the provider was approachable. Staff told us they were happy in their jobs and felt well supported. A member of staff told us, “Everything about the way [the provider] runs the company is perfect.” The provider sought people's views to make sure people received a service that met their needs. The provider had monitoring systems which enabled them to identify any areas where improvements were needed.
Further information is in the detailed findings below