Most people using the service were unable to share their views about living in the home due to their complex needs. We spoke with four people using the service and two relatives who told us what they thought about the care received from staff. One person said, 'The home is very nice. The food is good and well-cooked and staff are quite co-operative.' Another person told us, 'People are well taken care of.' Another person said, 'Staff are extremely kind, very helpful and always willing to help.' A visiting relative said, 'All I can say is its good.' Another told us, 'It always seems to be well staffed and staff seem to be very good.' People received appropriate support to eat and drink sufficient amounts to meet their needs and were provided with a choice of food and drink. There was also sufficient numbers of staff to meet the needs of people using the service.
People were provided with information about how to make a complaint which was available in different formats for people who had specific communication needs.
We noted from people's records their individual care and support needs had been assessed. A plan was in place to meet these needs. Risks to people's health and wellbeing had been identified with plans in place to manage these. However not all of the records we looked at showed information was regularly reviewed, updated and appropriately maintained which meant staff did not have up to date information about people's current care and support needs.