We conducted this inspection in response to concerns which had been raised regarding the care and welfare of people who use the service. During our inspection we found no evidence to support these concerns.On the day of our inspection there were eight people living at 70-72, Worting Road. We spoke with all of the people who use the service, the registered manager, five staff and a care manager. We also spoke on the telephone with six relatives and an advocate who had supported people with important decisions.
We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask;
Is the service safe?
Is the service effective?
Is the service caring?
Is the service responsive?
Is the service well-led?
This is a summary of what we found;
Is the service safe?
We found that people were cared for safely. People's needs had been assessed and reflected in their care plans. Where necessary, assessments had been completed which identified and reduced risks, whilst supporting people to remain independent.
Where people needed support with specific health needs we saw there were individual plans which detailed the care needed and how staff should provide this. We found that staff received appropriate training in relation to diversity and equality, which had ensured that people's diverse needs were met safely.
The service ensured that valid consent had been obtained from people before providing their care. Staff told us that they had received training about the Mental Capacity Act 2005 during their induction course, which had been updated annually
People who use the service said they felt safe with staff, who treated them with dignity and respect. One person said 'They talk to me about boundaries and ways to stay safe.' Another said, 'I know I can call them at any time if I am frightened and they will come and look after me.'
Staff understood the different signs of abuse and knew who to raise concerns with if necessary, including appropriate external bodies. People and their relatives told us they would report any concerns to the registered manager and had no worries that this would affect the quality of their care.
The service ensured that people were protected from the risk of inappropriate or unsafe care. This was because the provider had an effective system in place to identify, assess and manage risks to the health, safety and welfare of people who use the service and others in relation to incidents.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which apply to this service. The registered manager told us they had not needed to apply for DoLS for any of the people who use the service since the last CQC inspection, but they were aware of the process to follow. We found that staff also knew the process and had received DoLS training in 2014.
Is the service effective?
We found that the service placed people at the centre of all decisions regarding their care and support. Where the service identified a person lacked capacity to make a decision, a best interest meeting was held involving people who knew and understood them, which ensured their human rights were protected.
People we spoke with were complimentary about the care received. One person we spoke with said 'They (key worker) chat to me on the way to work and are always asking me if I am okay. 'It was clear from our observations and from speaking with staff that they had a good understanding of the people's care and support needs and that they knew them well. One relative told us, 'The staff are wonderful. He loves it there and his reading and writing skills have improved tremendously because they spend quality time with him.' Another relative said, 'His behaviour has really improved and he is getting on with living his life.'
Staff had received induction training which was recognised by the care sector, covering core subjects including safeguarding, diversity and equality, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA), Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), infection control, management of medicines and food hygiene.
We found that staff were knowledgeable about people's specific health and personal care needs and had received training to update their skills and knowledge. Staff had also received training to meet the specific needs of people including positive behaviour management.
The provider had ensured that people received appropriate care from competent staff who had been supported in their personal development by an effective system of supervision and appraisal.
Is the service caring?
People were supported by kind and compassionate staff, who spoke with people in a friendly, caring manner. We saw that care workers gave encouragement to people who were able to do things at their own pace. Whilst talking about their key worker one person told us 'They look after me and know if I am worried. I always tell them if something scares me.' Another person told us the manager, 'Is great. He helped me to get my work. I love my work.'
We observed that staff supported people to make their own daily living choices and to be as independent as they were able to be. This promoted people's self-esteem and gave them a sense of achievement. A relative told us, 'The manager and staff really do care and continually build up their confidence to be as independent as possible.'
The care staff we spoke with enjoyed working with people they supported. One person told us, 'The people here are what matters and we work as a team to support them to achieve their goals with small steps.' The registered manager said, 'We listen to what they want to do and then try to make it happen.'
Is the service responsive?
The service was organised to respond to the diverse requirements of different people. People's needs had been assessed and their care was planned and delivered in accordance with their personal preferences. Staff had a clear understanding of each person's needs and how they should be met. For example, the service had responded well to an incident where a person displayed behaviours which may challenge. The person's behavioural support plan had been updated to ensure staff knew how to respond appropriately to such behaviour in the future. The person's relatives were informed about the incident and told us, 'The manager and staff were really good, they made sure he was safe and let us know so we could discuss things to prevent it happening again.'
We found that the service was responsive to the changing needs of people, which had been continually reviewed. Where staff required further training this had been planned in advance or where anticipated arranged immediately.
People knew how to make a complaint if they were unhappy but had no cause to do so since the last CQC inspection. We spoke with a relative who had made a complaint previously. They told us, 'It was more of a misunderstanding but I was happy with the way the manager listened to my concerns and sorted it out.'
Is the service well-led?
The service was well led. The registered manager and staff we spoke with were clearly passionate about the health and wellbeing of people being supported by the service. Care workers spoke with pride about the way they promoted people's independence.
Staff told us that the registered manager spoke with them about any changes planned and they felt part of a team where their contribution was valued. They told us that the registered manager was always helpful. One care worker told us, ''You can speak to the manager at any time and he always comes in if you need support.' This meant that staff felt confident to raise concerns.
During our inspection we looked at the quality assurance systems that were in place. The information reviewed demonstrated that the service was monitored on a consistent basis to ensure that people experienced safe and appropriate support, care and treatment.