14 April 2014
During a routine inspection
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service well led?
This is a summary of what we found-
Is the service caring?
People's needs were assessed and care was planned and delivered to meet people's needs. We spoke with two people and one person's relative. One person told us, 'They are always jolly which lifts my spirits.' Another person said, 'Everything has fallen into place, I'm happy here.' A person's relative commented, 'Mum is well looked after.'
People were given the opportunity to be involved with activities. One person's relative told us, 'The activity lady is very good, she keeps mum smiling.' One person said, 'I get company, they are in and out all day.' Another person commented, 'It's a very good atmosphere. I'm quite happy here.' We found that a record of activities was completed for each person and detailed a variety of activities including quizzes and one to one chats. We saw that activities were offered, for example, during the afternoon a musician was entertaining people in one of the lounges.
Is the service responsive?
People could access healthcare professionals when they required. One person told us, 'I can see the doctor when I need to. They came and saw me a couple of days ago.' Another person said, 'If I wanted to see the doctor I'm sure they would get one for me.' A person's relative commented, 'The doctor comes in on Tuesday. Whenever I mention anything they look into it.' We spoke with a visiting healthcare professional who told us that they received appropriate referrals and were alerted to any changes in people's condition. Records of visits from healthcare professionals were kept. For example, we found that visits from chiropodists, speech and language therapist's and GPs were documented.
People's needs were met promptly. One person told us, 'They are pretty quick when I press my bell. The majority of the staff know what they are doing. Most of the staff are regular and know my routine. I sometimes have to remind the newer ones.' Another person said, 'I am never left waiting too long if I press my bell.' A visiting healthcare professional told us that equipment was obtained by the home promptly when they had recommended it. We spoke with three care staff who were aware of people's needs and how to care and support people.
Is the service safe?
The home was clean and smelt fresh. One person told us, 'I think it is spotless. The people who clean the place are in every day.' Another person said, 'The place is clean.' A person's relative commented, 'The home is always fresh and clean.'
The provider had made arrangements for the maintenance of the home. The home employed a maintenance person who was responsible for the upkeep of the building. One person told us, 'There is a problem with the doors banging. The maintenance bloke came and did something to the doors along the corridor which made it better.' Another person said, 'The chap who works here put my television on the wall for me. He does anything that makes it easier for you.' A person's relative commented, 'The building is very nice and well maintained.'
People were supported by staff who were able to perform their role. One person said, 'All the nurses and carers are wonderful. They are full of banter which makes the time pass.' Another person said, 'The girls are good.' A person's relative commented, 'The employees are lovely.' Appropriate checks were conducted before staff started work.
CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) which apply to care homes. No applications had been submitted. The registered manager told us they were in the process of reviewing a recent Supreme Court judgement in respect of DOLS and the impact this may have on the service.
Is the service effective?
People's needs were assessed and care was planned and delivered to meet people's needs. One person told us, 'They are always jolly which lifts my spirits.' Another person said, 'Everything has fallen into place, I'm happy here.' A person's relative commented, 'Mum is well looked after.'
Is the service well led?
The provider undertook a variety of quality monitoring activities. For example, audits of infection prevention and control practices, audits of individual care plans, daily checks of people in bed and fluid chart checks. We found that changes were made as a result of quality monitoring activity. For example, an infection control audit had identified the need for sharps boxes to be placed where needles were used. We saw that this had been achieved.