25 November 2013
During a routine inspection
Care plans we reviewed were found to be detailed and provided staff with sufficient guidance to care for the person in a way the person liked. People were supported to see or be seen by visiting healthcare professionals such as the district nurse.
Staff we spoke with were all able to describe the different types of abuse and how to recognise abuse if it were to occur. Everyone we spoke with who used the service told us that they felt safe. One person said, "If I had any concerns I would refer to my service user guide (SUG) and contact either the service manager or one of the external organisations, such as social services."
Records we viewed evidenced to us that staff were supported with a regular formal supervision. These records included what staff were doing well and where improvement was required. Staff we spoke with confirmed to us that they felt well supported by the service's manager. Staff were able to gain additional qualifications in healthcare where this had been identified.
People we spoke with told us that they were happy with the quality of care that was provided. One person said, "I have been visited by the manager to make sure that everything is alright and that I am satisfied with the care."