13 November 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
The provider sent us an action plan and we went back to review what progress had been made. We spoke to three people who lived at the premises and two relatives. Comments included:
"It's a decent place, I can come and go as I please. I choose to be in my room most days and there is nothing stopping me from going up and down stairs. I get help when I need it. Sometimes the dust is a bit of a problem; no one likes dust but the staff are fine and helpful".
"People are understanding of the way the building is because the care is so good."
"[My relative] loves it here. The staff are wonderful. We have a big family and [my relative] gets plenty of visitors every day. I only have good things to say".
"I came to stay here recently. The decoration doesn't bother me and it doesn't get in the way".
We found at this inspection that additional works had been completed and some improvements had been made but the premises continued to be inadequately maintained. For example there was duck tape on the stair carpet, no window restrictors on some of the upstairs bedroom windows, an outside door was in need of repair and there were loose radiator covers. This meant that people continued to be at risk from hazards in communal areas.
We also went back to check that records were being appropriately maintained and were secure. We looked at four people's care files and found they were appropriately maintained. In one record reviewed there was no care plan about how to manage an identified need. However we spoke to staff who all knew what the need was and how it should be managed. We discussed this with the registered manager at the time of inspection and this was resolved immediately. We found that records were held securely in a locked cabinet in a dedicated office.