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  • Care home

Archived: 306-308 Packington Avenue

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

308 Packington Avenue, Shard End, Birmingham, West Midlands, B34 7RT (0121) 749 3739

Provided and run by:
C L H Care Homes Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 10 March 2022

We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider is meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2008.

As part of CQC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic we are looking at how services manage infection control and visiting arrangements. This was a targeted inspection looking at the infection prevention and control measures the provider had in place. We also asked the provider about any staffing pressures the service was experiencing and whether this was having an impact on the service.

This inspection took place on 9 February 2022 and was announced. We gave the service 24 hours’ notice of the inspection.

Overall inspection


Updated 10 March 2022

About the service: Packington Avenue is residential care home that provides personal care for up to five people. Care and support is provided to people with learning disabilities and /or mental health needs. At the time of the inspection five people were living at the home.

People’s experience of using this service:

¿ People received safe care. Medicines were managed safely; infection control arrangements were effective in reducing cross infections. There were enough staff to support people and keep them safe.

¿ People were supported by staff with the right knowledge and training.

¿ Staff involved people in decisions about their care and obtained the necessary consent for the care and support provided.

¿ Staff ensured people had access to healthcare services by making appropriate and timely referrals and following their recommendations and advice.

¿ Staff had respectful, caring relationships with people they supported. They respected people's dignity and privacy and promoted their independence.

¿ People's care and support met their needs and reflected their preferences. The provider upheld people's human rights.

¿ People were involved when their care plans were reviewed and were actively involved in decision making in relation to their care and support.

¿ People felt supported and it was apparent from our discussions with staff and what we saw throughout the inspection, that staff cared about people and their well-being.

¿ There was a positive, open and empowering culture but the service was not consistently managed and well-led. This was because the provider had not ensured their rating was displayed on their website.

Rating at last inspection: Good (Report was published on 5 September 2016).

Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection based on the ratings at the last comprehensive inspection. The rating has remained Good overall.

Follow up: We will continue to monitor the service through the information we receive until we return, as part of the inspection programme. If any concerning information is received we may inspect sooner.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk