Updated 11 September 2024
Date of assessment: 18 September to 31 October 2024. We visited the location office on 18 September 2024, We visited people in their home on 25 September and 1 October 2024.
We have assessed the service against ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ guidance to make judgements about whether the provider guaranteed people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices, independence and good access to local communities that most people take for granted. This was the first assessment of this service. We found the service to be working in-line with the principles of this guidance.
Staff provided safe, person-centred care through detailed care planning processes and management of risk. There was a good learning culture in place and staff had a good understanding of their role and a passion for delivering quality care. The provider and staff teams worked collaboratively with other agencies and health professionals to ensure the best outcomes for people receiving care.
People were supported to plan for their future, identify their choices and ensure equality of access to health and community services. People and their relatives were listened to and involved in shaping the direction of the organisation.
Leaders focused on the wellbeing of both the people receiving care and the staff delivering it. They demonstrated compassion and flexibility to ensure reasonable adjustments where needed. They had numerous quality assurance processes in place which meant outcomes in relation to events or quality of care were analysed and learnt from.