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  • Care home

Archived: Red Oaks

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

27 Hawthorn Terrace, New Earswick, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 4BL (01904) 768126

Provided and run by:
Mrs Stacey Marie Lee and Michael Lee

All Inspections

18 December 2015

During a routine inspection

Red Oaks is a small residential home in York which provides support for three adults. The service specialises in supporting people with a learning disability. The registered providers live at Red Oaks and provide all care and support themselves.

We inspected this service on 18 December 2015. The inspection was announced. The registered provider was given 24 hours’ notice, because this is a small service and we needed to be sure that someone would be in when we visited.

The service was last inspected in October 2013 at which time it was compliant with all the regulations we assessed.

The registered provider is required to have a registered manager in post and on the day of the inspection there was a manager registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

During this inspection we found that people’s needs were assessed, risks identified and risk assessments put in place to manage those risks. However, remedial work needed to maintain the safety of the electrical installation had not been completed in a timely manner and this could have placed people using the service at increased risk of harm. We have made a recommendation about monitoring and responding to risks in the body of this report.

Medication was ordered, administered and recorded effectively, however, we noted that some prescribed medication was out of date and needed to be disposed of. The registered manager subsequently told us they had disposed of this and a repeat prescription had been arranged.

We found that there were systems in place to ensure that safeguarding concerns would be identified and acted upon.

The registered providers supported people to ensure their needs were met. We discussed the importance of business continuity and contingency planning to ensure that people’s needs would continue to be met in the event of an emergency. The registered providers agreed to explore this.

The registered providers were experienced and understood the needs of people using the service. The registered providers completed refresher training to maintain their skills and knowledge.

People using the service were not deprived of their liberty and the registered providers showed an understanding of principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.

People were supported to eat and drink enough and supported to access healthcare services where necessary.

We observed numerous positive and caring interactions between people using the service and the registered providers. People had developed meaningful caring relationships with the registered providers over the significant period of time that they had lived at Red Oaks.

People were supported to make decisions and to maintain their privacy and dignity.

People using the service had person centred care plans. There were systems in place to listen to and respond to people’s experiences of using the service.

People were positive about the registered providers and the care and support provided at Red Oaks.

1 October 2013

During a routine inspection

We saw people were treated with dignity and respect. We spent time with people living at the home. We asked them if they could make choices for themselves and could choose how to spend their time. They gave a thumbs up sign, nodded or said "Yes." During our visit we saw people were listened to and their views were acted upon. We saw that there was a warm and friendly rapport between the people living at the home and the providers who cared for them.

We asked people living at the home if they were well cared for. One person said "I like it here. I am looked after well." We saw that people had signed their care records to say that they agreed with them.

There were systems in place to ensure that people received their medication safely.

The home was staffed by the providers who were able to meet people's needs. We saw that the people living there were treated as if they were extended family. One person we spoke with said "I like it here. I like the people I live with" and "Everything is good (thumbs up) I could tell the owners if not."

Although people lived as part of a family. The providers still had quality monitoring systems in place. These were very informal but people still had the opportunity to share their views and to raise any concerns.

9 October 2012

During a routine inspection

People were seen to be living the life they wanted to live. We saw people were treated with dignity and respect. We spent time with people living at the home. We asked them if they could make choices for themselves and could choose how to spend their time. They nodded and said "Yes." During our visit we saw people were listened to and their views were acted upon.

We asked people living at the home if they got the help they wanted to receive. People gave a thumbs up sign, nodded or said "Yes." One person said 'I am looked after'. We saw that they had signed their care records to say that they agreed with them.

People told us in their own way that they could say if something was bothering them or if they did not like something. One person gave a thumbs up sign, another nodded and one person said 'Yes.' We saw that informal house meetings occurred to help people raise their views.

The home was staffed by the providers who were able to meet people's needs. We saw that the people living there were treated as if they were extended family. One person we spoke with said 'They look after me well.' We saw people got the support they wanted to receive.

There was a complaints procedure in place. This had been explained to each person living at the home so they could understand it. No complaints had been received since our last visit. We asked the people if they could raise issues if they were not happy, they said they could. One person said 'I am happy.'

17 January 2012

During a routine inspection

People receiving care and support were seen to be treated with dignity and respect by the providers. One person said 'It's nice here'. A person's representative who had helped fill in a provider survey stated their relative's privacy was respected.

People were asked about what help and support they wanted to receive. During our visit we spoke with all three people living at the home. One person said 'They help me', the others gave a thumbs up sign to say they were happy with their care and support. We saw people had signed their care records to say they agreed with the help and support that was being provided to them. In a completed survey a representative of a person living at the home said their relative felt well cared for and said their carers were approachable.

We asked the people living at the home 'If they were unhappy about anything would they tell someone. They all replied 'Yes'. One person said 'I would say' everyone nodded and a person gave a thumbs up sigh which indicated that they would talk to the providers. Another person said 'I'm safe here'.

The people living at the home were cared for by the providers who were there twenty four hours a day to look after people's needs. We saw that the people living in the home were treated as if they were the provider's extended family. One person said 'Yes' when asked if the providers were there to help them when they needed this. Another person said 'They are good'.

People we spoke with were not able to give their views about how the quality of the service was being assessed and monitored. However, one person said 'We talk about things'. A representative of a person whose relative was living at the home had stated in a completed provider survey 'In my opinion my relative is quite content living at Red Oaks and would indeed convey to me if otherwise'.