5 March 2014
During a routine inspection
We checked the information we held about the service and asked the views of health and social care commissioners.
Due to the frailty of the people who lived at the home we were unable to speak to them about their experience of life at Yanwath. We observed staff providing care and support to some of the people that used this service. This helped us to formulate our judgements.
The provider had sent us action plans each month to help keep us up to date with improvements. An evaluation of the action plans showed that little progress had been made in improving the quality of the service received by people who lived at Yanwath Care Home.
We found that people had care plans in place but some of the information recorded in them was not up to date or accurate. 'New' care plans were in the very early stages of development and introduction.
We did see some positive work that had taken place, particularly where people required monitoring and support with eating and drinking. We found that people had been referred to the dietician for help and advice.
We saw that most of the planned, environmental improvements had been carried out. Communal areas had been repainted and were bright and fresh. We did not detect any unpleasant odours in the home during the time of our visit.
We noted that infection control and medication audits had been carried out, identifying where improvements could be made. However, they failed to identify the infection control issues in the laundry and errors that had occurred around the administration of medicines.
People who used this service had complex needs. We judged that there were insufficient numbers of skilled staff on duty to ensure the safety of people who used this service.
We judged that the processes for reporting abuse and keeping people who used the service safe did not ensure people were protected. Safeguarding concerns had not been reported as quickly as they should have been.
We asked people who commissioned services about their views on staffing at the home. Their comments included:
'They (the home) are heavily reliant on agency staff. The carers are exhausted and are supporting the agency nurses too. However, we have observed that the carers are providing excellent care.'
'Care plans are not an accurate reflection of needs and are not updated regularly. By far the biggest issue is poor documentation not reflecting care needs.'
One of the relatives we spoke to during our visit to the home commented on the support their relative had experienced. They told us, 'We couldn't have asked for anything more. Staff have persevered. They have tried all sorts of different food.'