We found that there had been a great improvement in the repair of the building and there was running hot water and heating. We saw that the home was clean and there was appropriate storage of food. We spoke with five people who used the service who all told us that the staff were very good but there was not enough of them. People told us 'the staff are so caring' and 'staff are very rushed'. One person told us 'the carers are so busy in the mornings that people are left in the lounge without any supervision'.
We spoke with four members of staff who all told us that there was not always enough staff to meet the needs of the people who use the service. Two staff members spoke of the impact the lack of staff had on the people who used the service, 'the service users can get lonely as there is no time for interaction', and 'people only get the basic, it's not caring, it's too rushed'.
We found that there were not always enough staff to meet the needs of the people who used the service. We found that the staff had started to receive training; however, they were not receiving adequate supervision or appraisal.