During a routine inspection
- The service employed a sufficient number and range of staff for clients to receive one to one sessions with a counsellor twice per week as well as group sessions.
- Staff completed thorough risk assessments for all clients, this included an early exit from treatment risk assessment and risk management plans.
- Staff completed a comprehensive assessment and holistic individual recovery plan with all clients on admission to the service and these were reviewed in weekly one to one sessions.
- The service provided a range of care and treatment interventions suitable for the client group including one to one sessions with a counsellor, cognitive behavioural therapy groups and 12-step therapy groups.
- Blood borne virus testing was offered to all clients through a local health clinic.
- Clients we spoke with told us staff were genuinely caring and compassionate. They felt respected and cared for by staff. Clients were fully involved in setting recovery care plan goals.
- The service employed a resettlement manager who co-ordinated discharge plans and aftercare for clients completing treatment. Discharge plans included health, financial, accommodation and employment needs.
- The service had a vision and strategy to empower women to live a life in recovery free from addictions and this was clearly demonstrated by staff. Staff reported high morale and good job satisfaction.
- The service had completed all actions required from the last inspection.
- Staff did not always receive management supervision in line with policy.