- Care home
The Ridings Care Home
Registration details
The location ID for The Ridings Care Home is 1-112566829.
CQC register The Ridings Care Home to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think The Ridings Care Home is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Nursing homes
- Rehabilitation (illness/injury)
- Residential homes
Service specialism
- Caring for adults over 65 yrs
- Caring for adults under 65 yrs
- Dementia
Local authority
Monitored services
CQC register The Ridings Care Home to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Mrs Rose Bracher is responsible for these services.
Mrs Tracey Jane Marshall is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
Within 14 days of this condition taking effect, the Registered Provider must implement an effective monthly audit and monitoring system to ensure that:
a) Care plans contain clear guidance to staff for minimising risks, including positive behaviour support guidance for all service users who experience distress or behaviour that puts themselves or others at risk of harm.
b) Accidents, allegations of abuse and incidents are recorded, reviewed, investigated and, where appropriate, reported to external agencies.
c) Analysis of accidents and incidents takes place to ensure lessons are learned to reduce further risk.
d) The environment is safe from hazards and Infection Control and Prevention measures are maintained, including the cleanliness of the environment and the storage and cleaning of equipment.
e) Deprivation of Liberty authorisations are sought as appropriate and reviewed regularly to ensure any conditions are adhered to and further authorisations are applied for in a timely way.
f) Service users consent for key decisions relating to their care and treatment is sought and documented. Where service users may lack capacity to consent to a specific decision, a capacity assessment and best interest process is completed and documented.
Within 14 days of this condition taking effect, the Registered Provider must implement an effective system for monitoring staff skills and competency in the following areas:
a) Medicine administration, where staff are responsible for this task.
b) Moving and handling.
c) Infection control, including handwashing and adhering to uniform policies.
d) Compassionate, person-centred care, including seeking consent when carrying out service user care.
Within 14 days of this condition taking effect, the Registered Provider must submit a report detailing what action has been taken to comply with the above conditions. After submission of the first report, the Registered Provider must submit a monthly report to the Care Quality Commission on the first Monday of the month. This report must summarise audit findings, the improvement actions to be taken, who is responsible for these and timescales for completion.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must only accommodate a maximum of 83 service users at The Ridings Care Home.
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Mrs Rose Bracher is responsible for these services.
Mrs Tracey Jane Marshall is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
Within 14 days of this condition taking effect, the Registered Provider must implement an effective monthly audit and monitoring system to ensure that:
a) Care plans contain clear guidance to staff for minimising risks, including positive behaviour support guidance for all service users who experience distress or behaviour that puts themselves or others at risk of harm.
b) Accidents, allegations of abuse and incidents are recorded, reviewed, investigated and, where appropriate, reported to external agencies.
c) Analysis of accidents and incidents takes place to ensure lessons are learned to reduce further risk.
d) The environment is safe from hazards and Infection Control and Prevention measures are maintained, including the cleanliness of the environment and the storage and cleaning of equipment.
e) Deprivation of Liberty authorisations are sought as appropriate and reviewed regularly to ensure any conditions are adhered to and further authorisations are applied for in a timely way.
f) Service users consent for key decisions relating to their care and treatment is sought and documented. Where service users may lack capacity to consent to a specific decision, a capacity assessment and best interest process is completed and documented.
Within 14 days of this condition taking effect, the Registered Provider must implement an effective system for monitoring staff skills and competency in the following areas:
a) Medicine administration, where staff are responsible for this task.
b) Moving and handling.
c) Infection control, including handwashing and adhering to uniform policies.
d) Compassionate, person-centred care, including seeking consent when carrying out service user care.
Within 14 days of this condition taking effect, the Registered Provider must submit a report detailing what action has been taken to comply with the above conditions. After submission of the first report, the Registered Provider must submit a monthly report to the Care Quality Commission on the first Monday of the month. This report must summarise audit findings, the improvement actions to be taken, who is responsible for these and timescales for completion.
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Mrs Rose Bracher is responsible for these services.
Mrs Tracey Jane Marshall is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
Within 14 days of this condition taking effect, the Registered Provider must implement an effective monthly audit and monitoring system to ensure that:
a) Care plans contain clear guidance to staff for minimising risks, including positive behaviour support guidance for all service users who experience distress or behaviour that puts themselves or others at risk of harm.
b) Accidents, allegations of abuse and incidents are recorded, reviewed, investigated and, where appropriate, reported to external agencies.
c) Analysis of accidents and incidents takes place to ensure lessons are learned to reduce further risk.
d) The environment is safe from hazards and Infection Control and Prevention measures are maintained, including the cleanliness of the environment and the storage and cleaning of equipment.
e) Deprivation of Liberty authorisations are sought as appropriate and reviewed regularly to ensure any conditions are adhered to and further authorisations are applied for in a timely way.
f) Service users consent for key decisions relating to their care and treatment is sought and documented. Where service users may lack capacity to consent to a specific decision, a capacity assessment and best interest process is completed and documented.
Within 14 days of this condition taking effect, the Registered Provider must implement an effective system for monitoring staff skills and competency in the following areas:
a) Medicine administration, where staff are responsible for this task.
b) Moving and handling.
c) Infection control, including handwashing and adhering to uniform policies.
d) Compassionate, person-centred care, including seeking consent when carrying out service user care.
Within 14 days of this condition taking effect, the Registered Provider must submit a report detailing what action has been taken to comply with the above conditions. After submission of the first report, the Registered Provider must submit a monthly report to the Care Quality Commission on the first Monday of the month. This report must summarise audit findings, the improvement actions to be taken, who is responsible for these and timescales for completion.