People living at the home told us that they were happy living at the home and that they were able to make choices about how they spent their day. Comments included 'I have been here a long time and the staff know me very well', 'I decide when I get up and what time I go to bed, sometimes I like to sit up late and watch a film'. One person told us that they preferred to remain in their bedroom. They said 'the staff know that I don't want to sit with others, they bring me my meals and drinks and check that I am alright', 'it's my decision and the staff respect that'.People told us that they were offered meal choices each day. They said 'each day the staff tell you what the choices are and ask us what we would like', 'there are choices for every meal and they ask you what you would like to drink'. People confirmed that staff were aware of their preferences for food and drink. They said 'they know what I like and what I don't like and they will always check with me'.
During our visit we observed people moving freely around the home. Some people were unable to mobilise without staff assistance and we saw that staff offered them a choice of where they would like to sit. One person said 'you can come to your room when ever you like and if you need help you just ring the bell and the staff come quickly', 'they check on me regularly and bring me cups of tea'.
Some people spoken with were aware that they had a care plan and they said that they were always asked about the care they needed and their preferences. One person said 'the staff know me well and they know how much help I need'. Another person told us 'I am always treated with respect by the staff and I never feel rushed'.
People appeared very comfortable in the presence of staff and it was evident that staff knew people well. Staff interactions were noted to be kind and respectful. The atmosphere in the home was relaxed and inclusive and people were offered assistance with personal care in a dignified and discreet manner. Staff were observed knocking on people's bedroom doors before entering.
People confirmed that they felt well informed about events in the home. One person said 'we have meetings and you can say what you like really'. Another person said 'they tell us about activities and if there are any changes about the home, for example they told us that we were having some new windows fitted soon'.
All appointments with healthcare professionals had been recorded in the care plan showing that people had access to healthcare professionals in line with their individual needs.
Staff observed and spoken with, demonstrated a good knowledge of the needs and preferences of people living at the home.
Each person spoken with during our visit told us that they felt safe and well cared for and all commented on the kindness of the staff.
No concerns were raised with us during our visit and people told us that they would feel comfortable in raising concerns if they had any. One person said 'I wouldn't hesitate in telling somebody if I had any concerns'.
Everyone asked said that they felt there were enough staff on duty to meet their needs. One person said 'the staff are very good and they come if you ring your bell'. Another said 'there always seems to be someone about to help you'.
We observed that staff responded promptly to any requests for assistance. There was a relaxed atmosphere in the home and staff had time to chat with people as well as undertake tasks.
Staff appeared confident and well motivated. Staff turnover was low which meant that people living in the home received a consistent level of support as staff members were aware of their changing needs.