• Hospice service

Naomi House Children's Hospice

Overall: Outstanding read more about inspection ratings

Stockbridge Road, Sutton Scotney, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 3JE (01962) 760060

Provided and run by:
Wessex Children's Hospice Trust

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

Naomi House and Jacksplace is a service run by the Wessex Children's Hospice Trust. Naomi House is for children up to the age of 16 or 18 years old and Jacksplace is for young people and adults from the ages of 16 years to 35 years. The hospice supports children from birth to young adults with life limiting or life limiting illnesses and provides accommodation for respite (short breaks), emergency care, day care and end of life care. The hospice have bereavement suites and provide family support services. We conducted an evidence-based assessment of the services with an onsite inspection on the 23rd of November 2023. We reviewed elements of safe, effective, responsive and well led key questions. The overall rating for this service was outstanding. We rated safe, effective and well led as good because care and treatment was safe and the service had effective governance arrangements. We rated responsive as outstanding as the service understood the diverse health and care needs of people and their local communities, to ensure care is joined-up, flexible and supports choice and continuity.

8 December 2015

During a routine inspection

This inspection was unannounced on 8 and 9 December 2015

Wessex Children’s Hospice Trust runs two hospices, Naomi House and Jacksplace. Naomi House is for children up to the age of 16 or 18 years old and Jacksplace is for young people and adults from the ages of 16 years to 35 years.

The hospices support babies, children, teenagers and young adults with life limiting or life threatening conditions and provide accommodation for respite (short breaks), emergency care, day care and end of life care. Both hospices have bereavement suites and provide family support services.

We last inspected Naomi House and Jacksplace in January 2014 and they met the regulations.

There is a registered manager who has been in post since 2011. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

Most of the children and young people we met had complex needs and were not able to tell us their experiences because of their complex ways of communicating. We observed how the staff interacted with the children, young people and their families.

Parents told us their children were safe at the hospices. Children and young people sought reassurance from staff and were relaxed with them. This indicated they felt comfortable and safe with staff. Staff knew how to recognise any signs of abuse and how they could report any allegations.

We saw children and young people received care and support in a personalised way. Children and young people had access to the specialist healthcare support from the medical and nursing teams at the hospices. Their complex medical needs were well managed and staff were trained to meet these specialist complex needs. Risks were assessed and managed and there was focus on positive risk taking so children and young people could safely try new experiences. All parents and professionals were happy with the care provided by Naomi House and Jacksplace. Staff knew children and young people well and understood their complex needs.

Staff were very caring and showed children, young people and their families kindness and compassion. Staff were very motivated and demonstrated a commitment to providing the best quality care in a compassionate way. Parents told us they and their children were cared for to a high standard and this included ongoing bereavement support for families. They spoke of excellent relationships with staff who understood their needs and preferences and who devoted time to them. Siblings and other family members such as grandparents were also cared for. Staff treated children, young people and their families with respect and dignity. Children and young people’s privacy was maintained at all times during the inspection. Sensitive planning for end of live care and post death care and support was provided to children, young people and their families. Bereaved families told us that the ongoing support and care provided had been invaluable.

There was a holistic approach to children’s and young people’s care with the physical, well-being, social and spiritual needs of each child and young person given equal importance, together with the needs of those closest to them.

Children and young people and their families received a very responsive service. Their needs were fully assessed, planned for and met. The service was creative and responsive to the changing needs of children and young people and had developed services in response to the local communities changing needs. Children, young people and families were involved in developing the service and this was based in their needs.

Children, young people and staff had fun together and there were lots of play and activities that were based on their preferences and needs. Children’s individual sensory needs were met by the specialist equipment available.

The head of adult services was aware of their responsibilities in regard to the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). These safeguards aim to protect people living in hospices from being inappropriately deprived of their liberty. These safeguards can only be used when there is no other way of supporting a person safely.

Parents and professionals gave positive feedback about the qualities, skills and knowledge of the staff. Staff were recruited safely and received an induction, core training and specialist training so they had the skills and knowledge to meet children and young people’s complex needs.

There were safe systems in place to safely manage and administer medicines in both hospices. Children and young people were protected from the risks of infection by the systems and equipment in place.

We found the hospice and equipment was well maintained. The hospice was designed and decorated to meet the specialist needs of the children and young people.

There was a children, young people and family focused culture at the service. Children, young people, families and staff were involved and consulted about all aspects of the service. Staff were proud of the service they provided and were fully committed to the children, young people and their families. There was a clear management structure and staff, children and young people and their families felt comfortable talking to the managers about any concerns and ideas for improvements. There were systems in place to monitor the safety and drive the continuous improvement of the quality of the service provided.

24 January 2014

During a routine inspection

Staff understood that parents were able to give consent for care for children; however there was evidence to show that older children had been involved as much as possible in the discussions about their care. One of the parents we spoke with whose child was 14 told us that: '[my child] is always there so is aware of what is being discussed'.

An assessment of care needs was made at the child or young person's first visit. Care plans were written and agreed for every aspect of care. Everybody we spoke with was very complimentary about the care they or their child received. One parent told us: 'It is my saviour this place, I can just relax when [my child] is here'.

There were effective systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection. One of the people we spoke with said: 'The rooms are cleaned from top to bottom between one person going out and another coming in'.

During our visit we spoke with five parents and a visitor. All the people we spoke with said there always appeared to be enough staff available and they could get help and support at any time. One parent said: 'We had an emergency and suddenly five or six people came. It's good to know that in an emergency they are able to respond'.

We looked at the quality assurance systems used to monitor aspects of the service. The provider had appropriate systems in place for gathering, recording and evaluating information about the quality and safety of care the service provided.

8 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke to children, young people and families that were visiting the hospice. We observed how care was being provided to help us understand the experiences of people using the service.

We observed that staff communicated appropriately with sensitivity to the children and young people using the service and supported them in ways that promoted their choice, wishes and dignity. Support provided was individual to their needs. Health issues and any risks associated with the individual's care and support were assessed and managed well, taking into account people's safety and their right to make choices.

The service had systems in place to ensure people were protected from abuse and the risk of abuse. Staff had an understanding of safeguarding issues and how to report abuse or allegations of abuse. Families told us that they had 'every faith and trusted the people working at both Naomi House and jacksplace.'

We observed that there were sufficient staff with appropriate up to date clinical skills and there was access to additional medical staff when needed. We were told that people felt children and young people were looked after by staff with the right skills.

We saw that there were systems in place to monitor the quality and safety of the service that people received and to continually make improvements. We saw that people's views were sought and that they said that the quality of care was good.

6 January 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke to parents and young people using the service, both during our visit and by telephone. Naomi House is designed to accommodate children, and jacksplace is a newer facility, specifically designed to meet the needs of young adults, generally people under 25 years. People told us that they really appreciated the facilities at the hospice, and the staff. They said that the quality of care was good and that they were involved in developing and discussing changes to care plans. They said they felt children and young people were looked after by staff with the right skills and that people enjoyed their visits. People valued the range of activities on offer, and the flexibility of staff to support people in what they wanted to do, at times of their choosing.