16 September 2016
During a routine inspection
York House provides accommodation and personal care for up to ten people who have a learning disability.
The home had a registered manager but they were not present for the inspection. The provider had made arrangements for a registered manager from another service within their organisation to run the home in the absence of the home’s registered manager. Reference to the registered manager in this report relates to this person. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons.’ Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People were not always supported to take their medicines and they did not always receive their prescribed treatment. People were not always protected from poor care practices because staff did not act on this to protect them. The provider had taken action to provide additional staffing so people would receive a better service. People were protected from the risk of accidents because knew how to reduce the risk of this happening.
The provider had taken action to provide staff with one to one [supervision] sessions to assist them in providing a better service for people. The provider had also taken measures to ensure new staff were supported in their role. People were cared for by staff who had access to routine training to ensure they had the skills to care and support them.
Staff had a good understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, but their knowledge was not always put into practice to ensure decisions made on people's behalf was in their best interest. People had a choice of meals and had access to drinks at all times. People were supported to access healthcare services when needed to promote their health.
Staff demonstrated a good understanding of how to promote people’s right to privacy and dignity but this was not always put into practice. People’s support and care needs may not be met because not all the staff were aware of their needs.
Practices did not support people to be involved in their assessment of their needs, so people may not receive a service specific to their needs. People had limited access to their local community and they were not always supported to do the things they enjoyed.
People were unable to tell staff if they were unhappy but staff knew by their body language and facial expression. Systems were in place to manage complaints and to show what action had been taken to resolve them.
The home was managed by a registered manager and two compliance managers. Prior to our inspection the provider had taken action to improve the service provided to people. The culture of the home was not inclusive to support people to have a say in how the home was run. The provider’s governance was not effective to ensure people received a good service. However, the provider was confident their governance was effective if implemented properly and managers were in place to ensure this.