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Archived: Grove Villa Care

28 Mill Road, Deal, Kent, CT14 9AD (01304) 364454

Provided and run by:
Mr T Beales & Mr H & Mr J Chamberlain & Mrs N Woolston & Mrs J Friend

Important: The partners registered to provide this service have changed. See new profile

All Inspections

9 December 2013

During a routine inspection

People said that they were happy with the care and support they received and that their

needs were being met. They said that the staff treated them with respect, listened to them

and supported them to raise any concerns they had about their care. People told us that

the service responded to their health needs quickly and that the manager talked to them

regularly about their plan of care and any changes that may be needed.

Many comments received were complimentary of the service. One person who used the

service said, "I like it here" another said, "We go out a lot, I like doing my own shopping. I

love it here. Staff help me with my money and cooking". Other people were complimentary

of the food and said they had no concerns regarding the quality of care. Another said,

"Staff help me a lot. With my money and things. I am very happy here".

Staff told us and records showed how people's health needs were supported and that the

service worked with health and social care professionals to maintain and improve people's

health and well-being. We saw that care plans were regularly reviewed for their

effectiveness and kept up to date to reflect the changing needs of the people using the


The house where the people lived was clean. Medication was being handled appropriately

and audits and checks were in place to monitor the service that people received to ensure

that the service was satisfactory and safe.

12 February 2013

During a routine inspection

People who used the service said that staff consulted with them about how they wanted to be supported. They also said that they received all of the health and personal care they needed.

We saw that the provider had measures in place to help safeguard people from abuse. There were enough staff on duty to enable people to promptly receive the support they needed. We saw that there were measures to check that people were reliably provided with the facilities and services they needed.

All of the seven people with whom we spoke gave us positive feedback about the service. One of them said, 'I like living here because it's my home and things are right for me here.'

21 December 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

People told us that they were happy in the service and liked all the staff that supported them. They said that they felt that there were sufficient staff in place and that staff were very caring and responsive. They said 'There are always lots of staff around to do things with'.

People told us that they enjoyed taking part in the interview process. They said they felt that it was good to be involved and would like to help out more.

People said they trusted the staff and thought they were all able to do their jobs well.