18 June 2012
During a themed inspection looking at Domiciliary Care Services
We used postal surveys and home visit to people who use the service and to their main carers (a relative or friends) to gain views about the service.
We spoke with four people in their own homes and 17 people were contacted for a telephone interview. Some of the people we visited in their own homes had communication difficulties and we observed how their care was provided and how they interacted with the staff.
Twenty of the 21 people that we spoke with told us that the staff were respectful and allowed them to make choices. For example they had the option to meet and interview a care worker before they started work with them. people told us that they were treated with dignity and respect and that staff were alert to their needs.
The one person who was currently not happy with the service confirmed that changes were being put in place to help the situation.
We asked people about the way their care was delivered and they told us that they were fully involved in planning their care. One person said, 'I need help with everything and the staff are very understanding, careful and respectful in the way they look after me'.
Everyone we spoke with told us that they felt safe using the agency. People told us that there was a clear line of communication between the agency and themselves and that their requests were usually met promptly.
Many people told us that they had experience of using the agency for a number of years.