11 February 2014
During a routine inspection
We observed an afternoon music and movement session and saw that most people were engaged with the group activity. We also saw that some people chose to read magazines or play computer games and that there was sufficient flexibility and staff on duty to facilitate these choices.
We visited the care home in the evening and people showed us their rooms and we joined three people in the dining room for their evening meal. We were told that the food was "Good" and "Very nice" at Baronsmede and people said they had plenty of choice over their meals.
We met with a person who had recently moved to Baronsmede. This individual had their own flat within the care home and was supported by a designated team of staff. A relative of this person told us "X has settled much more quickly than we thought." This demonstrated that the provider structured services around people's individual needs.
We found that the home was clean and tidy with good systems in place to manage infection control. Staff had access to protective equipment such as gloves and aprons to minimise the risk of cross infection.
Staff said that they were well supported and that there were sufficient numbers of them to deliver the services they provided. The supported living accommodation had its own rota and we found that staffing levels were appropriately managed to ensure that each person received the service they expected and were contracted to receive.
People told us that they were happy with their support, but that they would feel confident to tell staff or management if anything was wrong. One relative said they would be happy to voice concerns but that it had not been necessary because "This is by far the best place that X has ever stayed in."