- Care home
Archived: The Grange
All Inspections
6 December 2013
During a routine inspection
We observed positive interactions between staff and people living at the home. People's needs were assessed and care and treatment were planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan.
Staff told us that there were enough staff on duty to meet the needs of the people living at the home, dependency levels were assessed on an individual basis.
Systems were in place to monitor the quality of the service. At our inspection in January 2013 we were concerned that records were not accurate and up to date. During this inspection we found that the provider had made improvements. Most records for people using the service were up to date.
25 January 2013
During a routine inspection
People's privacy and dignity were respected in the manner staff spoke and interacted with them. We observed staff speaking to people in a caring and calm manner. Staff were able to give us examples of how they treated people with dignity and respect such as ensuring the door was closed and curtains drawn when assisting with personal care and respecting people's preferences whilst promoting their independence.
There were systems in place to ensure that people were protected from abuse and that they received the care they needed. Systems were in place to monitor and to make improvements to the quality of care and support provided to people by the home. Staff received training and felt supported by the manager.
We were concerned that records relating to people using the service were not accurately updated.
6 October 2011
During a routine inspection
Most people that we spoke with were not aware of having a care plan. However, they confirmed that they were satisfied with the care provided. They told us 'I am pleased that I am looked after. I get all the help I need'. They felt safe and comfortable with the members of staff supporting them. 'I've never felt nervous about anything'. They were satisfied that there were enough staff on duty and said that there was 'always someone around. People said that staff were 'the nicest bunch of carers you could wish for' and added that staff 'can't do enough for us'. We asked people who they would speak to if they had any concerns or worries. They gave us the names of the senior carer, the deputy manger or the manager. However, they told us 'I'm satisfied with the care I receive' and 'on the whole, no complaints, it's worked out quite well'. When a person said that they spoke with the manager almost daily and could raise any concerns they added that 'it's very nice to be looked after to that extent'.