To Be Confirmed
During a routine inspection
This unannounced inspection took place 29 May and 3 June 2015. The last inspection of the service was on 28 February 2013 when we found the service met all the regulations we looked at.
The service provides care and accommodation to 10 adults with mental health problems. At the time of our inspection there were nine people living at the home.
There was a registered manager who has worked at the service for several years. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People told us that they felt safe in the service. Staff had been trained in safeguarding people from abuse and they demonstrated they understood how to safeguard the people they supported in line with their procedure.
There were sufficient numbers of staff on duty to meet people’s needs. Risks to people were assessed and managed appropriately to ensure that people’s health and well-being were promoted. People received their medicines safely and medicines were managed in line with procedure.
Staff told us they were supported to do their jobs effectively. The service worked effectively with other health and social care professionals including the community mental health team (CMHT). People were supported to attend their health appointments and to maintain good health.
People’s choices and decisions were respected. People agreed to their care and support before it was delivered. People made decisions about their day-to-day care and support. People were able to go out and return as they wished. The service understood their responsibility under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
People had access to food and drink throughout the day and staff supported them to prepare food to meet their requirement.
People said staff treated them with respect, kindness and dignity. Care records confirmed that people had been given the support and care they required to meet their needs. People’s individual care needs had been assessed and their support planned and delivered in accordance to their wishes. People’s needs and progress were reviewed regularly with the person and a professional to ensure it continues to meet their needs.
People were encouraged to follow interests and develop daily living skills. There were a range of activities which took place within and outside the home. People were encouraged to be as independent as possible.
The service held regular meetings with people and staff to gather their views about the service provided and to consult with them about various matters. People knew how to make a complaint if they were unhappy with the service. There were systems in place to monitor and assess the quality of service provided. There were no outstanding actions from audit reports we looked at.