Care homes and supported living services: evidence categories

Page last updated: 22 February 2024



These are examples of the types of evidence we will look at. They are not full lists and we do not expect you to have everything we include here.

Person-centred care

We make sure people are at the centre of their care and treatment choices and we decide, in partnership with them, how to respond to any relevant changes in their needs.

Evidence categories

People's experience and feedback from staff and leaders, also this specific category.


  • staff practice (including how they deliver care, staff culture and behaviours)
  • the care environment

Care provision, integrations and continuity

We understand the diverse health and care needs of people and our local communities, so care is joined-up, flexible and supports choice and continuity.

Evidence categories

People's experience and feedback from staff and leaders, also these specific categories.

Feedback from partners

  • commissioners and other system partners
  • health and care professionals working in or with the service


  • arrangements to ensure continuity of care
  • people’s care records or clinical records

Providing information

We provide appropriate, accurate and up-to-date information in formats that we tailor to individual needs.

Evidence categories

People's experience and feedback from staff and leaders, also this specific category.


  • arrangements to:
    • explain fees
    • ensure continuity of care (supported living services only)
    • identify people’s communication preferences
  • information sharing with people using services and those close to them
  • meeting the Accessible Information Standard

Listening to and involving people

We make it easy for people to share feedback and ideas or raise complaints about their care, treatment and support. We involve them in decisions about their care and tell them what’s changed as a result.

Evidence categories

People's experience and feedback from staff and leaders, also this specific category.


  • advocacy and support service records
  • collecting people’s feedback, taking action and sharing learning
  • complaints records and outcomes
  • improvement plans and audits

Equity in access

We make sure that everyone can access the care, support and treatment they need when they need it.

Evidence categories

People's experience and feedback from staff and leaders, also these specific categories.

Feedback from partners (care homes only)

  • commissioners and other system partners
  • health and care professionals working in or with the service


  • people's care records or clinical records
  • provider led audits of processes
  • records and risk assessments about accessible facilities and premises

Equity in experience and outcomes

We actively seek out and listen to information about people who are most likely to experience inequality in experience or outcomes. We tailor the care, support and treatment in response to this.

Evidence categories

People's experience and feedback from staff and leaders, also this specific category.


  • people's care records or clinical records
  • improvement plans and audits

Planning for the future

We support people to plan for important life changes, so they can have enough time to make informed decisions about their future, including at the end of their life.

Evidence categories

People's experience and feedback from staff and leaders, also this specific category.


  • DNACPR and ReSPECT decisions
  • end of life care planning
  • people's care records or clinical records