Maternity improvement resource

Published: 19 September 2024 Page last updated: 19 September 2024


Integrated care systems

What we look for 


Safe systems, pathways and transitions

  • How does the integrated care system (ICS) monitor local data in relation to maternity services to ensure risks are mitigated across pathways and transitions, especially in high-risk areas such as maternity triage?
  • How does the ICS ensure there is collaboration between professionals and providers to promote timely and safe maternity care and there is clarity about responsibility, supervision and oversight?

Safe and effective staffing

  • Is there a plan to address system and place workforce priorities which utilise clinical and non-clinical skills across integrated pathways and does this include maternity services?
  • As an ICS are there any particular staff groups where there is a high level of vacancies and sickness? How well sighted is the ICS on recruitment to vacancies where there are known national shortages such as for midwifery staff in maternity care?


Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

  • How does the ICS work with the local maternity and neonatal system to gain assurance of effective leadership? 

The importance of people's experience

  • How does the system support and work with the maternity and neonatal voices partnership to develop and improve maternity services, including triage services?