Maternity improvement resource

Published: 19 September 2024 Page last updated: 19 September 2024


Board members

What we look for


Shared direction and culture

  • Does the maternity service have a dedicated vision and strategy, developed with stakeholders and staff which is focused on sustainability of services and aligned to local plans within the wider health economy?
  • Describe how the maternity service leadership raise concerns, celebrate success and routinely report to the board?
  • How do you demonstrate check and challenge of the service?

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

  • How does the board maintain visibility in the clinical areas and use this visibility to feedback to board and sense-check against data presented at board?
  • How does the board hear about staff vacancy rates, sickness rates, other leave impacting the team, for medical and all grades of midwifery staff?

Freedom to speak up

  • What has the board been made aware of as a result of staff giving feedback or speaking up?
  • How do you encourage staff to raise concerns and demonstrate actions taken as a result?

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

  • Describe the board oversight of the culture of the maternity service.
  • Are there any actions reflective of the findings of the trust staff survey results?
    • Including but not limited to protected characteristics and bullying and harassment?
  • How reflective of the population is the workforce and what steps are being taken to address any shortfalls?

Governance, management and sustainability

  • Describe how relevant information is escalated to the board from the trust quality and safety committee.
  • How are the board made aware of the risk registers and maternity red flag responses, compliance with Maternity Incentive scheme and the audit programme?
  • To what extend is maternity service included on the board assurance framework?
  • How do leaders report maternity service staffing to the board (this includes the use of bank, agency and locums; planned versus actual for labour ward, postnatal, antenatal, antenatal clinical, triage, maternity assessment/maternity day unit and community staffing; specialist and supernumerary roles)?
  • How do the maternity service safety and quality outcomes compare nationally?

Partnerships and communities

  • How do senior leaders engage with relevant partners for maternity services?

Learning, improvement and innovation

  • What recent improvements have there been to the service?
  • How do you ensure that multiple opportunities are available for staff to learn?

The importance of people's experience

  • Do you receive patient stories at board from those with direct experience of the maternity service?