Privacy and dignity

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

C3. How are people's privacy, dignity and independence respected and promoted?

C3.1 How does the service and staff make sure that people's privacy and dignity needs are understood and always respected, including during physical or intimate care?

C3.2 Do staff respond in a compassionate, timely and appropriate way when people experience physical pain, discomfort or emotional distress?

C3.3 How are people assured that information about them is treated confidentially in a way that complies with the Data Protection Act, and that staff respect their privacy?

C3.4 How does the service take people's preferences and needs and their protected and other characteristics under the Equality Act into account when scheduling staff?

C3.5 Can people be as independent as they want to be?

exclamation mark icon

Services where staff control or influence arrangements for visitors

C3.6 Are people's relatives and friends made to feel welcome and able to visit without being unnecessarily restricted?

C3.7 How does the service make sure that young adults have choice and flexibility about their privacy and the amount of parental involvement in managing their care and support after moving into adult services?

Related links

Rating characteristics

green star Outstanding

green dot Good

yellow dot Requires improvement

red dot Inadequate

Related regulations

Dignity and respect

Person centred care

Premises and equipment

Good governance

These links provide extra information. They don't imply a direct correlation between key lines of enquiry and regulations or notifications.