Completing the adult social care provider information return (PIR) - specialist colleges

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

Please read this guidance before completing the provider information return (PIR).

The PIR asks for data and information on how you make sure your service is safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. The PIR helps us identify areas to explore in more detail as part of our continuous monitoring of a service. You need to complete a PIR every year. We ask for this information under Regulation 17(3) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.

Complete and return the form to us by the deadline stated in our email to you. If you do not, we will not award a rating better than ‘requires improvement’ for well-led.

The date you receive or return this form will not determine the date we next visit your service.

We use the information:

  • to help us understand how your service is performing between inspections
  • to assist our decision making
  • as part of our inspections
  • to understand emerging trends and patterns across adult social care

We may use some of the information to inform national reporting such as the State of Care report. When used in this way, we will not attribute it to any provider. We will also share data on a small number of questions with key stakeholders. This maximises the use of information and reduces the burden on the number of requests you receive.

You can provide personal data, including special categories of personal data, where we specifically request it. We need you to disclose this information to help us exercise our statutory functions. So it meets lawful bases for processing under Article 6(1)(c) and (e) and Article 9(2)(h) and (i) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To understand more about and our priorities and principles, read our guidance for providers.

All questions on the PIR relate to:

  • the service you provide for people receiving activities we regulate, such as personal care
  • staff and other people delivering activities we regulate

Regulation 17(3) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 lists the activities we regulate. Do not include any information about people and staff who do not receive or deliver activities we regulate.

Location information

The answers to the following questions are pre-populated on the form:

  • Location number - this number is shared with the Department of Health and Social Care/Skills for Care
  • Location name
  • Address of your location
  • Postcode
  • Registration date
  • Provider number (sometimes called 'organisation number')
  • Provider name
  • Organisation type

If any of the information in this section has changed, use the relevant notification form to tell us about the change.

Respondent information

  • Your name - the name recorded here should be the registered manager or, where absent, the nominated individual who must check the form before submitting it (particularly if they have authorised other people to complete the form for them)
  • Your phone number - we’ll need this if we need to check anything recorded on the form
  • Your email address - make sure this email address is the same as the one you registered with us or tell us it has changed
  • Website address - if we have rated your service, the rating must be displayed on your website

1. Changes

Question KLOEs
Describe the impact of changes you have made in the past 12 months on people using your service. Consider the characteristics of good and outstanding ratings to identify relevant changes.

Tell us in practical terms what the impact of the changes you have made are on people who use services. You may wish to describe feedback from people who use the service. Or you could describe how monitoring has evidenced these changes.

For more areas you could consider in answering this question, refer to:

Include specific, anonymised examples of how you meet this question and any innovative practice.

Limit your response to 500 words.

Question KLOEs
Describe the changes you have planned for the next 12 months and the impact you expect these to have on people using your service. Consider the characteristics of good and outstanding ratings to identify relevant changes.

Tell us where you are planning to make changes to improve the service. Explain how these aspirations will result in firm outcomes.

This information shows you explore and recognise where you need to provide a better level of service. It demonstrates how you seek continuous improvement. Include:

  • points from your service improvement actions plan
  • feedback from the quality governance audit
  • points identified in your quality assurance processes

How will you involve the people who use the service in these changes?

Help us understanding your objectives and give a concise plan of:

  • what you are going to do
  • who is going to do it and how you will resource it
  • when it will be completed

What do you expect the positive outcomes to be for people using your service?

Limit your response to 500 words.


2. People who use your service

Number of people

Question KLOEs
How many people are currently receiving support with regulated activities as defined by the Health and Social Care Act from your service?


This question outlines current dependencies and provides context for the next questions.

This information helps us measure how much capacity and demand there is in each local area. You should include the number of people using your service on the day you complete the PIR.

We will share the responses to this question with DHSC. The information helps them understand more about capacity across authorities and regions. It is also useful during times of NHS pressure, such as in winter.

Question KLOEs
How many new college admissions have there been in the past 12 months?


People who left your service

These questions relate to people who used the service, not staff.

Questions KLOEs
How many people have left your service in the past 12 months because their health needs could no longer be met?


How many people have left your service in the past 12 months because their social care needs could no longer be met?


How many people have you served notice on to leave your service in the past 12 months solely due to a change in their care needs?


How many people have you served notice on to leave your service in the past 12 months for any other reason?
What were those other reasons?

Attorneys and deputies

Question KLOEs
How many people using your service have given another person valid and active lasting power of attorney with authority to take decisions about the service you provide?

It is common for lasting power of attorney to be used for managing people’s finances if they don’t have capacity. But it may cover any other areas that have been assessed or agreed, where a person does not have capacity to make decisions. This could include their health and wellbeing.

Question KLOEs
How many people using your service have a Deputy appointed by the Court of Protection with powers to take decisions about the service that you provide?

This differentiates people who use care plans from those who may have others involved with making decisions on their behalf.

Care needs and preferences

Question KLOEs
Which of the following dependencies do you currently support people with?


For the bandings that capture people’s needs, please select all the bandings that apply to the people using your service. The bandings are the same as those used in applications for registration and allow inspectors to view the current mix and requirements from people using the service. The form asks you to select all that apply from this list:

  • dementia
  • people detained under the Mental Health Act
  • mental health needs
  • drug or alcohol misuse
  • eating disorders
  • sensory impairments
  • learning disabilities or autistic spectrum disorder
  • physical disabilities
Question KLOEs
Do people who use your service have any specific communication needs or preferences?


For example, do they use British Sign Language (BSL) or need information in large print or another language?

Question KLOEs
How have you met these needs?

We want to know how you identify and record communication needs, if you look for accessible ways to communicate with people, and how these meet the needs of the person.

For example, some people with learning disabilities using symbols and pictures developed by the service - and so familiar to them - to communicate.

Question KLOEs
How do you assess whether people are at risk of malnutrition and dehydration?


It has been estimated that malnutrition (or “undernutrition”) affects over 3 million people in the UK. We gather information to support our regulatory activity and share it with agencies where people are in touch with adult social care services. This is particularly pertinent to the high-risk group of people who receive services in the community.

Question KLOEs
How many of the people who use your service are assessed to be at risk of malnutrition or dehydration?


Tell us how many people are at risk of malnutrition or dehydration.

We expect you to record this through the assessment processes you use to identify when a person is at risk.

Question KLOEs
How many of the people who use your service need a specialist diet?


This includes things like fortified, diabetic and gluten free diets. It also includes fork mashable diet.



Further information

If you have further queries not answered in this guidance, contact