Annual report and accounts: 2020 to 2021

Published: 20 January 2022 Page last updated: 17 May 2024

Our Annual report and accounts (ARA) looks at our progress and performance during 2020 to 2021. It also outlines areas we need to concentrate on during 2021 to 2022.

Photo of a woman receiving her Covid-19 vaccination from a nurse


Who we are and what we do

Part 1: Performance report

The Performance report consists of four sections:

Foreword by our Chair and Chief Executive

Key highlights
Some of the key highlights and achievements for CQC in 2020/21.

Performance summary
A performance summary for 2020/21 that highlights important achievements, progress towards our objectives and targets, and our impact as a regulator.

How we used our money
An overview of the funding we receive, where our expenditure is incurred and how we aim to demonstrate value for money.

Part 2: Accountability report

The Accountability report consists of four sections:

Corporate governance report
The composition and organisation of CQC’s governance structures and how this supports the achievement of our objectives

Remuneration and people report
The policy for remuneration of Board members, independent members and senior executive employees that Parliament and other users see as key to accountability.

Parliamentary accountability and audit report
The key parliamentary accountability documents in the Annual report and accounts.

Certificate and report of the Comptroller and Auditor General to the Houses of Parliament.

Part 3: Financial statements

The Financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Financial Reporting Manual 2020/21, published by HM Treasury, and comprise:

Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure
A statement of CQC’s performance, summarising income and expenditure for the year.

Statement of Financial Position
A snapshot of CQC’s assets and liabilities as at the end of the financial year.

Statement of Cash Flows
The movements in cash during the year.

Statement of Changes in Taxpayers’ Equity
The movements to reserves in the year.

Notes to the financial statements
Additional details to the numbers included within the four financial statements.

Next section:
Who we are and what we do