The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated Finch Manor Nursing Home in Liverpool, inadequate following an inspection in November.
Finch Manor Nursing Home is a residential care home providing personal and nursing care for up to 89 people.
A focused inspection was carried out to follow up on specific concerns regarding staffing and the management of the service.
Following this inspection, the overall rating for the service dropped from requires improvement to inadequate. The areas of safe, effective and well-led also dropped from requires improvement to inadequate, and caring and responsive remained as requires improvement.
Sheila Grant, CQC head of inspection for adult social care, said:
“When we inspected Finch Manor Nursing Home, it was disappointing to see a deterioration in the level of care being provided to people.
“It was concerning that people didn’t have access to essential equipment such as a nurse call system which could place them at risk of harm if they needed support, or during an emergency.
“Areas of the service were visibly unclean which placed people at risk of infection. Several areas including the kitchen were dirty and soiled laundry was stored inappropriately in bathrooms.
“In addition, information about people's eating and drinking needs weren’t always followed or available which resulted in staff not being aware of people's dietary needs and preferences.
“For example, we saw someone being given a meal that their care plan stated they didn’t like, and others told us they were often given cold meals.
“However, it was positive that systems were in place for people to have access to the healthcare support they required. GP services and other professionals visited on a regular basis to monitor people's health.
“We will continue to monitor Finch Manor Nursing Home to ensure they make the necessary improvements. If we are not assured people are receiving safe care, we will not hesitate to take further action.”
Inspectors found:
- People's medicines were not always managed safely
- Staff didn’t always speak to people in a dignified and respectful manner
- Newly recruited and agency staff were not familiar with the people they were caring for
- Training records showed that most staff had not completed their annual safeguarding training
- Information about people's care and choices was not always recorded, was inconsistent or out of date
- There was no effective leadership throughout the service
- People were not always supported to eat and drink enough.
- The senior management team had recently introduced a new system for recording and reviewing incidents and accidents within the service
- Staff responsible for the administration of medicines had completed medicines training and had their competency checked
- Surveys had taken place with people to gain their thoughts and opinions on the food and service available to them.