The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated Orchid Care Home as outstanding, following an inspection in August.
The home is run by Angel Care (Orchid Care Homes) Ltd and provides nursing and personal care for up to 83 older people.
Following this inspection, the overall rating for Orchid Care Home has increased from good to outstanding. Well-led has increased from requires improvement to outstanding. It has been re-rated as good for how safe the home is. Caring has increased from good to outstanding.
This was a focused inspection which did not look at the areas of effective or responsive. These retain their previous ratings of good.
Neil Cox, CQC deputy director of operations in the south, said:
“When we inspected Orchid Care Home, we found an exceptional home which put people’s needs at its heart. Managers and staff went above and beyond to ensure people received the best possible care.
“People living at the home described them as attentive, friendly, and kind and we were told about thoughtful gestures which promoted people’s independence. People were able to leave the home and take part in activities with support, such as to go swimming or out for coffee.
“Leaders made sure they and all staff had completed safeguarding training relevant to their role. Records showed they reported safeguarding incidents to relevant agencies and used these to learn lessons when things went wrong. People were safeguarded well with their care needs assessed for risks such as falls, skin breakdown, choking and malnutrition.
“The home had a positive safety culture based on openness and honesty. They encouraged feedback, incidents were properly investigated, and the home apologised when things went wrong.
“Orchid Care Home has also taken a proactive approach to building relationships with local healthcare partners and the community. For example, the home worked in partnership with a mental health nurse who supported the home with dementia care, and this had led to a decrease in behaviours of distress for people.
“The service embraced equality and diversity in the workplace and regularly recognised and celebrated Pride Day and other special days. For example, on Jamaican Independence Day residents joined in a discussion about the culture and had a rum tasting.
“Also, on another occasion team members from India and Nepal, dressed in traditional costumes and demonstrated national dances. They also prepared food for residents to sample. These activities really enrich peoples understanding of each other and help staff and people living there become closer.
“Everyone who works at Orchid Care Home should be proud of the exceptional service they’ve created. Other homes should look to this report to see if there’s anything they can learn from it, so people can receive outstanding care across the sector.”
Inspectors also found:
- People and family members told inspectors they were very happy with the care provided and the way it was organised, adding that they were involved in care planning
- People were supported in line with their risk assessments, for example risks around pressure ulcers for people were managed well and they were supported to eat and drink as needed
- Staff were well trained and had the right skills and experience to provide outstanding care and support to people
- Leaders were knowledgeable about where to access support to develop staff’ For example, leaders regularly involved health professionals in providing specific guidance and training for the team
- Staff consistently discussed people’s choices and explained their care, so people could give informed consent about their care.