The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has downgraded the ratings of medical care services at Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, from good to requires improvement following an inspection in July and August.
The amendment of this rating has also affected the overall rating of Royal United Hospital Bath at location level, which moves from good to requires improvement.
CQC carried out an unannounced focused inspection of medical care (including older people’s care) at Royal United Hospital Bath, after receiving information of concern regarding the safety and quality of the care being provided.
Following this inspection, the overall rating for medical care at Royal United Hospital Bath, as well as how safe and well-led it is, has declined from good to requires improvement. Effective, caring and responsive were not inspected at this visit. Responsive remains rated as requires improvement, effective remains good and caring remains outstanding.
As a result of this inspection, the overall rating for Royal United Hospital Bath, as a location, has dropped from good to requires improvement.
The overall rating for Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Foundation Trust as a provider overall, remains rated as good.