Regulations for service providers and managers: related guidance

Page last updated: 17 December 2024
Organisations we regulate

This page sets out further information and guidance related to the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009.


Regulation 4: Requirements where the service provider is an individual or partnership

Regulation 5: Fit and proper persons: directors

Regulation 6: Requirement where the service provider is a body other than a partnership

Regulation 7: Requirements relating to registered managers

Regulation 8: General

Regulation 9: Person-centred care

Regulation 9A: Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices

Regulation 10: Dignity and respect

Regulation 11: Need for consent

Regulation 12: Safe care and treatment

Regulation 13: Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment

Regulation 14: Meeting nutritional and hydration needs

Regulation 15: Premises and equipment

Regulation 16: Receiving and acting on complaints

Regulation 17: Good governance

Regulation 18: Staffing

Regulation 19: Fit and proper persons employed

Regulation 20: Duty of candour

Regulation 20A: Requirement as to display of performance assessments

CQC registration regulations: related guidance

Regulation 4: Requirements where the service provider is an individual or partnership

Care Act and Care Certificate

General resources

Quality monitoring/governance

Regulation 5: Fit and proper persons: directors

Care Act and Care Certificate

Conduct, ethics and performance

Disclosure and Barring (DBS)

End of life care

Equality and human rights

General resources

Quality monitoring/governance

Regulation 6: Requirement where the service provider is a body other than a partnership

Care Act and Care Certificate

General resources

Quality monitoring/governance

Regulation 7: Requirements relating to registered managers

Care Act and Care Certificate

General resources

Quality monitoring/governance

Regulation 8: General

Care Act and Care Certificate

General resources

Quality monitoring/governance

Regulation 9: Person-centred care

Care Act and Care Certificate

Care, treatment and support


Dignity and respect

End of life care

Equality and human rights

General resources


Mental capacity

Mental health

Quality monitoring/governance

Personalised care

Restrictive practice/restraint


Staff support and training

Regulation 9A: Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices

Regulation 10: Dignity and respect

Care Act and Care Certificate

Care, treatment and support



Data protection

Dignity and respect

Equality and human rights

End of life care

General resources

Mental capacity

Mental health

Quality monitoring/governance

Personalised care

Restrictive practice/restraint


Regulation 11: Need for consent

Care Act and Care Certificate

Care, treatment and support


Data protection

Deprivation of liberty

End of life care

General resources

Mental capacity

Quality monitoring/governance

Personalised care

Restrictive practice/restraint

Regulation 12: Safe care and treatment

Abortion/termination of pregnancy

Buildings/premises and equipment


Care Act and Care Certificate

Care, treatment and support

Data Protection

Deprivation of liberty

Dignity and respect

End of life care

General resources

Health and safety

Infection control/cleanliness


Mental capacity

Moving and handling

Quality monitoring/governance

Personalised care

Restrictive practice/restraint

Risk assessment



Slips, trips and falls

Staffing and recruitment

Staff support and training

Waste mangement

Water systems (including legionella)


Regulation 13: Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment

Care Act and Care Certificate

Challenging behaviour

Data protection

Deprivation of liberty

Dignity and respect

End of life care

Equality and human rights

General resources

Mental capacity

Mental health

Personalised care

Quality monitoring/governance

Restrictive practice/restraint

Risk assessment



Regulation 14: Meeting nutritional and hydration needs

Care Act and Care Certificate

Dignity and respect

End of life care

Food safety/hygiene

General resources

Mental capacity

Nutrition and hydration

Personalised care

Quality monitoring/governance

Regulation 15: Premises and equipment

Buildings/premises and equipment

Care Act and Care Certificate

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

Data protection

Diginty and respect

End of life care

Equality and human rights

Fire safety

General resources

Health and safety

Infection control/cleanliness

Mental capacity

Moving and handling

Quality monitoring/governance

Risk assessment


Staffing and recruitment

Regulation 16: Receiving and acting on complaints

Care Act and Care Certificate


Data protection

Dignity and respect

End of life care

General resources

Quality monitoring/governance

Regulation 17: Good governance

Care Act and Care Certificate

Buildings/premises and equipment

Care, treatment and support


Conduct, ethics and performance


Continuing professional development

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

Data protection

Deprivation of liberty

End of life care

Equality and human rights

General resources

Health and safety

Mental capacity

Mental health

Moving and handling

Quality monitoring/governance

Records management


Staff support and training


Regulation 18: Staffing

Care Act and Care Certificate

Care, treatment and support

Conduct, ethics and performance

Continuing professional development

Disclosure and Barring (DBS)

Equality and human rights

End of life care

Health and safety

General resources

Quality monitoring/governance

Restrictive practice/restraint

Staff support and training

Staffing and recruitment

Staff support and training

Regulation 19: Fit and proper persons employed

Care Act and Care Certificate

Conduct, ethics and performance

Continuing professional development

Disclosure and Barring (DBS)

End of life care

Equality and human rights


Quality monitoring/governance


Staffing and recruitment

Staff support and training

Regulation 20: Duty of candour

Care Act and Care Certificate

Conduct, ethics and performance


Duty of candour

End of life care

Mental capacity

Quality monitoring/governance


Regulation 20A: Requirement as to display of performance assessments

Regulation 4: Requirements where the service provider is an individual or partnership

Care Act and Care Certificate

General resources

Quality monitoring/governance

CQC registration regulations: related guidance

Abortion/termination of pregnancy

Quality monitoring/governance