Learning, improvement and innovation

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

W4. How does the service continuously learn, improve, innovate and ensure sustainability?

W4.1 Are resources and support available to develop staff and teams, and drive improvement?

W4.2 How effective are quality assurance, information and clinical governance systems in supporting and evaluating learning from current performance? How are they used to drive continuous improvement and manage future performance?

W4.3 How is success and innovation recognised, encouraged and implemented?

W4.4 How is information from incidents, investigations and compliments learned from and used to drive quality?

W4.5 How does the service measure and review the delivery of care, treatment and support against current guidance?

W4.6 Are information technology systems used effectively to monitor and improve the quality of care?

Related links

Rating characteristics

green star Outstanding

green dot Good

yellow dot Requires improvement

red dot Inadequate

Related regulations

Good governance

Fit and proper persons

Requirement where the service provider is a body other than a partnership

Requirements relating to registered managers


Duty of candour

These links provide extra information. They don't imply a direct correlation between key lines of enquiry and regulations or notifications.