Spending transparency

Page last updated: 4 March 2025

Monthly expenditure over £25,000

This includes:

  • individual invoices
  • grant payments
  • expense payments
  • other such transactions

We must publish the total amount payable in a transaction. Single invoices worth £25,000 and over may be coded to multiple expense type/expense area combinations. The value shown for individual entries may be below £25,000.

Expenditure on paybill and transactions relating to income or the financing or underwriting of debt is excluded from the scope of these disclosures.

In keeping with HM Treasury guidance, some transactions should not be published (known as redactions). This only applies to transactions that could compromise national or personal security, foreign relations or contravene the law e.g. the Data Protection Act.

Each month is shown on a separate page in the annual record.

Government Procurement Card (GPC) expenditure over £500

All arms length bodies (ALBs) must publish GPC spend over £500.

Five-day payment target

We aim to pay suppliers within five days of receipt of a correctly rendered invoice. A correctly rendered invoice is one that:

  • quotes a valid CQC purchase order number
  • is addressed to the Care Quality Commission
  • is sent direct to the Accounts Payable at CQC.

Our reports, updated monthly, show our performance against this target.

Each month is shown on a separate page in the annual record.


Our contracts register gives details of all our current commercial contracts.

We also publish details of contracts over £30,000 Inc VAT on the government Contracts Finder. The Contracts Finder lists opportunities and contracts awarded for:

  • central government above £12,000 Inc VAT
  • the wider public sector above £30,000 Inc VAT

Commercial pipeline

Our commercial pipeline sets out opportunities we expect to be available in the future. It lists planned procurements with a value of over £2 million. We update it every 6 months.

Our plans for these procurements may change. There may also be future procurements we are not yet aware of and are therefore not included.


Executive team expenses

Board members' expenses

Independent members' expenses

Chief inspectors' expenses

From April 2023, our chief inspectors' expenses are included with executive team expenses.

Archived information

View and download previous reports on the National Archives website:

Our senior management and board

Read their biographies:


For queries, email: InvoicesfromSuppliers@cqc.org.uk or contact:

  • Accounts Payable Manager: 0191 233 3523
  • Finance Office Manager: 0191 233 3367

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