Tell us about your experiences of home care services

Published: 29 May 2012 Page last updated: 3 November 2022

We want to hear about your experiences of home care services as part of our themed inspection of the sector.

Over the coming months, we will be conducting over 250 unannounced inspections of home care services.

To help us assess this sector, we want to hear about your experiences of home care services (whether you’ve received care yourself, if you know someone who has or if you’re a carer).

We value information sent to us about experiences of care and we encourage people to give feedback to us at any time. Find out more about Sharing your experience with us.

For our themed inspection of home care services however, we are asking people to complete a separate survey so that we can gather specific information to directly inform these inspections.

Share your experience

We have produced two surveys – one for people receiving care and one for relatives and carers.

Each survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and all information will be treated confidentially.

Remember, you can still tell us about your experience of care at any time.

Find out more about Sharing your experience with us.

Both surveys will close at the end of August 2012.

Our inspectors will use the results to help them assess individual agencies and as information for the national report that will set out the themes around quality and safety that they identified.

These surveys are running for a fixed time period and ask very specific questions about home care services in order to directly inform the themed inspections.

Our themed inspection of home care services

Our themed inspection of over 250 home care agencies will help us to develop new ways to ensure national standards are met and that people are being treated with dignity and respect.

Find out more our Review of home care services.