Our third State of Care report published

Published: 15 September 2011 Page last updated: 3 November 2022

We have today published our third annual report into the state of health and adult social care in England.

Our latest State of Care report covers the year to the end of March this year and is the first in which we have used evidence obtained under our new system of regulation.

Our chair, Dame Jo Williams, said: “While it will be a further year before we can present a complete picture of the state of regulated care in England, this year’s report provides a valuable picture of people’s experiences of access to care services, the choice and control that they have when using services, and the quality of the care that is provided.”

The report is divided into four main sections:

  • The shape of health and social care provision
  • Access to care services
  • Choice and control
  • Quality and safety

It also includes case studies looking at how improvements in standards have been made by services and how our regulatory work has helped drive these improvements.

Read the report