We have announced the next group of acute, community health and mental health providers to be inspected between April and June 2015 as part of our new approach.
The inspections – which are carried out by a mixture of inspectors, clinicians, and experts by experience – will assess whether the service overall is: safe, effective, caring, responsive to people's needs and well-led.
Following the inspection, each provider of acute, community health, mental health and ambulance services will receive an overall rating of either: outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate. We will also rate each of the core services, such as maternity and accident and emergency, in the same way to provide performance information at a service, hospital and trust level.
Core services in the mental health sector are different to those in the acute sector. You can find a full list here.
The providers listed below are being inspected for different reasons. These include trusts that are hoping to secure foundation status, hospitals that our analysis of information suggests are priorities for inspection and those that are low risk, following up on concerns raised regionally, our commitment to inspect different types of trusts in different parts of the country and following up on concerns raised by other regulators.
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Hospitals NHS Foundation
Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust (specialist)
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Community health service
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust
Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust
Combined acute and community health
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Kings College Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust
South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust
Mental health
Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
Mersey Care NHS Trust
West London Mental Health NHS Trust
Combined mental health and community health
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust
South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
We'd like to hear about experiences of care at these services. You can tell us about these using our share your experience form or by calling our helpline on 03000 616161. We will also hold a number of public listening events before selected inspections where you can talk to an inspector about care at the service we're inspecting. These will be publicised through local media.
Share your experience
If you've experienced care at any of the services listed here, we'd like to hear what you think. You can tell us about your experience using our online form.