New web resource to explore technology in care

Published: 14 November 2018 Page last updated: 12 May 2022

A new resource on CQC’s website, which will see pages added as new topics are addressed, explores the use of technology in care, looking at the benefits of innovation and updating previously published information on surveillance.

These new pages mark the start of a series in which we will share information on how technology is being used, and people can sign up to receive email alerts when new items are published.

Updates will look at what providers will need to consider as they develop new ways of working with technology using our own learnings, external guidance and examples.

Updates may also be of interest to people considering using or already using services for themselves and loved ones, and have questions around the use of technology.

At launch, the 'technology in care' pages will include:

  • Using surveillance in your care service
  • Appropriately handling personal information
  • Understanding 'informed consent'

This work builds on the existing published information on surveillance, and draws on our long-standing commitment to co-production and learning from providers, while upholding people’s right to safe, high-quality care.

As well as sharing information, examples and tips about the use of technology in care, CQC has recently been awarded funding to investigate and test new ways of engaging with innovative providers to meet the needs of an ageing population.

The grant from the Regulators' Pioneer Fund of the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) could help CQC examine 'regulatory sandboxing', where implementation of technology can be tested against the regulations in a controlled way, to ensure that regulation achieves the best outcome for people using services.

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