Give us feedback on the way we should inspect services

Published: 17 June 2013 Page last updated: 3 November 2022

We are carrying out a consultation to get your feedback on the plans we have developed to help ensure that people receive high-quality care.

About the consultation

Our role is to make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and to encourage care services to make improvements.

This consultation is the next step towards making the changes needed to deliver our purpose.

It asks for your feedback on our plans to:

  • inspect all care services, NHS trusts and foundation trusts and independent acute hospitals.
  • develop clear standards of care that health and social care services must meet.
  • make better use of information and evidence we receive to decide when, where and what to expect.
  • introduce Chief Inspectors to lead national teams of expert inspectors which will include people who receive care, clinical experts and others.
  • develop a ratings system to help people choose between services and to encourage services to make improvements.
  • make sure that directors or leaders of organisations have made legal commitments to provide safe and high-quality care, and are personally held to account for it.

Download the documents

Full details on our plans are detailed in the consultation documents below.

Get involved

You can send us feedback online, by email or by post before Monday, 12 August 2013.


Send us your feedback by completing our webform.

By email

Email your answers to

By post

Write to us at:

CQC Inspection Changes
CQC National Customer Service Centre
Newcastle upon Tyne

Contact us if you would like to receive a summary of the consultation document in another language or alternative format.