Focus on Enforcement

Published: 20 May 2014 Page last updated: 3 November 2022

CQC and the Department of Health have published their response to last year’s Focus on Enforcement review of the adult care home sector. The review by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills was carried out to examine the impact and experiences of regulatory enforcement.

The Focus on Enforcement review was launched during CQC’s own review of its strategy. In developing our new strategy, Raising Standards, Putting People First, launched in April 2013, CQC worked closely with the Adult Social Care sector to look at how its carries out its role. We considered the findings of the Focus on Enforcement Review as we developed plans based on the strategy.

Following the publication of the strategy, we continued to work with the sector to develop a new approach to regulating adult social care, which we are now testing and consulting on.

CQC is committed to becoming a strong, effective regulator that considers the best interests of people who use services and their families without placing unnecessary burden on providers.

Focus on Enforcement: final response

Read the full response...