We have hired paediatrician Dr Kim Holt as we develop further our new approach to inspection.
Dr Holt started her temporary role as a professional advisor yesterday by leading a workshop with people who have whistleblowing experience, who discussed the issues they have faced and the barriers that can prevent staff from raising concerns.
The feedback will help us to develop our new approach to regulating health and adult social care services, which will include assessing how providers listen to and treat whistleblowers. The feedback will also give us a better understanding of the experiences of staff who raise concerns and the issues whistleblowers face.
Dr Holt said: “I hope my own journey as a whistleblower and my experience of speaking with many others who have raised concerns will help CQC develop new ways of responding.”
Our National Advisor on Patient Safety, Culture and Quality, James Titcombe, added: “Dr Holt’s experience and knowledge will be invaluable in helping us ensure we get our approach right.
“Too often healthcare staff feel unable to safely raise concerns and those who do are treated in an appalling way. This can lead to a culture that sees people frightened to talk about patient safety issues and therefore, problems remain hidden. It is vital that this culture changes and CQC has an important role to play.”
Dr Holt formed the campaign group Patients First following her own whistleblowing experiences.
We have a dedicated team that manages calls and correspondence from people who would like to raise concerns about healthcare or adult social care services in England – both from those who work in, and from people who use or whose loved ones use, services.
In 2012/13, the team received 8,600 contacts – 600 of these were from the NHS and since last April, the team has received over 7,800 (around 730 were from the NHS).
To find out when and how to raise a concern, read our guide below.
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