‘Tell us about your care’ North West pilot launches

Published: 1 May 2012 Page last updated: 3 November 2022

We have launched a pilot project in the North West of England to gather structured feedback from members of the public about their experiences of care and assess how valuable it is to our regulatory work. 

The North West pilot will test different methods of encouraging people to provide CQC with information about their experiences of care.

We are asking people to give feedback either by completing a ‘tell us your experience’ webform on our website or by completing a hard copy response form which will be included with a leaflet we are making available through various routes.

The learning that comes out of the pilots will help us make improvements to the way we gather, use and report back on feedback received from people using the services we regulate.

The project will run alongside similar pilots with the Relatives and Residents Association (R&RA) and the Patients Association (PA) which began in March.

The North West pilot will run until October 2012.

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