The Care Quality Commission has rated the care being provided by MOSAIC to be Outstanding after an inspection in January 2019.
MOSAIC is a substance misuse service operated by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council and provides support and treatment for people with drug and alcohol issues, as well as support for young people whose parents misuse substances.
It is the second time the service has been inspected however the latest inspection marks the first time the service has been rated. It was awarded the rating of Outstanding overall and for services that are effective, caring, responsive and well-led. It was rated Good for are services safe.
A full report of the inspection has been published on the CQC website.
Brian Cranna, Head of Hospital Inspection (Mental Health) said:
“We found a very caring service that planned and delivered care in a holistic yet individualised way, there were many examples of outstanding practice present here.
“There was some excellent work being done to improve the service’s understanding of people’s care needs, and supporting staff to deliver the best possible care through encouraging their development of new skills and knowledge. Whilst the service was using established and recognised best practice guidelines well, we found they were safely developing innovative practice to support people in a personalised way.
“The service was working well with other healthcare professionals and ensured a good continuity of care for those returning to an independent lifestyle. People were clearly involved in their care decisions, and felt safe, we received very positive feedback about the support being provided. A well-earned Outstanding rating, congratulations to everyone involved.”
People were clearly involved in their care decisions, and felt safe, we received very positive feedback about the support being provided.
Brian Cranna, Head of Hospital Inspection (Mental Health)