Chelston Park Nursing and Residential Home - Chelston Gardens Dementia Nursing Home in Wellington, Somerset has been rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission following a recent inspection. The service was rated Outstanding for being caring and well-led and Good for being safe, effective and responsive to people’s needs. The overall rating was Outstanding.
The service consists of two separate buildings and provides accommodation with nursing and residential care to older people and to those living with dementia. There were 79 people using the service at the time of the inspection.
The full inspection report can be found on our website.
Key findings from the inspection include;
- The home continued to provide an outstandingly caring service to people. People were supported by a staff team who were happy in their work and who were committed to ensuring people received the best possible care.
- People benefitted from a strong management team who were committed to ensuring they received the best possible care. There were very effective systems in place to continually monitor the service provided and there was a strong emphasis on researching and implementing best practice.
- On each floor of each unit a registered nurse was always on duty with care staff to ensure people's nursing needs were monitored and met. People saw health care professionals when they needed them.
- People were supported to follow their interests and take part in social activities. The service operated an initiative which was called a "jar of dreams." This enabled people to write down something they would like to do or to happen and the service would assist in helping people achieve these dreams.
Chelston Park Nursing and Residential Home - Chelston Gardens Dementia Nursing Home has continued to provide consistent, high quality person-centred care. The service was rated Good overall after our last inspection in 2015 and the management and staff should be proud of continuing to improve the quality of care provided to a standard that merits CQC’s highest rating.
For further information please contact CQC Regional Engagement Officer Lara Orija on 07789 875 306.
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