The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has told Sidney Avenue Lodge Residential Care Home in Palmers Green, north London that it must make improvements or face further enforcement action.
During an unannounced inspection in July, inspectors found that the home was failing to provide care which was safe, effective, caring, responsive or well led. A full report of this inspection has been published on the CQC website today. Click here for more details.
Under CQC’s new programme of inspections, all adult social care services are being given a rating to help people choose care. Overall Sidney Avenue Lodge Residential Care Home has been rated as Inadequate.
CQC has issued the provider with a warning notice setting a deadline for improvements in the management of medicines. The report identifies a number of areas in which improvements are required:
- Inspectors found that people living in the home were not kept safe due to poor medicines management
- There was a lack of staff knowledge on how to identify or respond to the risk of abuse.
- Recruitment checks for new staff were incomplete.
- Potential health concerns were not always identified, and care plans did not always enable people’s needs to be met effectively.
- Staff were not always provided with sufficient training and supervision.
- People’s privacy was not always respected, and restrictions were placed on people which did not take into account individual capacity.
Sally Warren, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in London said:
“We found that the care provided at Sidney Avenue Lodge Residential Care Home fell a long way short of what we expect services to provide. We have told them they must take action to resolve the issues we identified.
“While we did see some caring interactions between staff and people living in the home, and that in some ways people were well supported, the safety issues we identified needed urgent attention.
“We have made it clear that we will return to the home to check that the necessary improvements have been made. If not - we will take further action to make sure that people living there receive care which is safe, effective, caring and responsive to their needs.”
For media enquiries, call the CQC press office on 020 7448 9401 during office hours or out of hours on 07917 232 143.
For general enquiries, call 03000 61 61 61.
CQC has published a full report at
This month, CQC has rolled out its new inspection regime for adult social care services across England, using specialist teams who will inspect and rate services against what matters to the people who use them. For further information, please visit:
Find out more
Read reports from our checks on Sidney Avenue Lodge Residential Care Home.