The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found the quality of care provided by Home Instead Senior Care, in Uppermill, Oldham, to be outstanding following an inspection in August this year.
The service was rated Good for being safe, effective and responsive and Outstanding for being caring and well-led. Overall the service was rated outstanding.
During the inspection, CQC inspectors found that the provider delivered outstanding levels of care that put the person's needs at the forefront of care planning and decision making, and ensured extremely high levels of continuity and familiarity. People who used the service, relatives and healthcare professionals were unanimous in their descriptions of staff as being respectful, compassionate and patient.
Some of the findings from the latest inspection included:
People who used the service, relatives and healthcare professionals CQC spoke with were consistent in their praise of the leadership of the service. The provider, registered manager and all staff inspectors spoke with were consistent in their understanding of the principles of the service, and had made a positive impact on the lives of people who used the service, but also the awareness of the wider community regarding the needs of people living with dementia.
Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care in the North, said: "The care being provided by this domiciliary care agency was of a very high standard. We saw that people were supported to contribute to their own care planning and review, while family members confirmed they were invited to take part in reviews and were regularly consulted and updated. It was clear management at the agency were committed to the training and continuous professional development of their staff.
"Peoples' hobbies and interests were encouraged, with people supported to pursue their preferred activities as independently as practicable. The engagement officer had developed a 'What's On' guide, which gave people who used the service and the wider community information about local activities.
"Feedback from people was unanimously exceptional, with people confirming they were treated with compassion, patience and respect. This was a service that lived up to its aspirations and goals. The values set out in the service's literature were clearly being delivered, so ensuring people experienced outstanding care outcomes.
"We found people received outstanding personalised care and support, telling us they were involved in all decisions about their care and the service had developed creative means of enabling people to lead as full a life as possible.
"The provider, manager, HR and training manager, and community engagement officer had developed and maintained a range of strong community and partnership links, championing the service they provided but also positively influencing the wider community. The service was extremely well-led. It is for these reasons that we have rated Home Instead Senior Care as Outstanding."
Feedback from people was unanimously exceptional, with people confirming they were treated with compassion, patience and respect.
Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care in the North